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Uncertain flows the Mekong

Uncertain flows the Mekong

Mekong countries can't agree on a hydropower plan. But will that stop Laos from building?

Pressure mounts for Cambodia's landless

Pressure mounts for Cambodia's landless

They start with the walls, peeling off tin sheets or wooden planks from the homes that make up the lakeside slum of Boeung Kak. They carefully remove windows or old wooden doors – anything they can use to rebuild. When they’re finished, all that remain are a pile of bricks and some aging floor tiles. 

For weeks, Im Bunnary has looked on in fear as her neighbours tear apart their homes. One of these days, she knows, she could be next.

In Cambodia, UN envoy faces balancing act

A United Nations rights envoy says Cambodia must accelerate the pace of its democracy reforms, but it’s unclear how much sway he holds with a government that has become increasingly resistant to international criticism.

Maid in Malaysia

Maid in Malaysia

A network of middlemen in Cambodia's impoverished countryside is helping to fuel the booming maid industry. Faced with a shortage of domestic help, Malaysia has been turning to Cambodia to find workers. Many, though, aren’t receiving what’s promised.